Lectin Free, Mostly Vegan, More Energy!

Healthy OptionsLectin FreeRecipesVegan

Lectin Free Dinner Ideas

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Lectin Free Dinner Ideas ~ This is what I do most weeks to make it easier for lectin free dinners throughout the week.

So I usually chop up and lay out on a tray:

  • sweet potato
  • brocoli
  • Caulflower
  • Brussel Sprouts

I used to add onion, cabbage and mushrooms as well, but found out that they would cook quicker than the others and would burn a bit.  So now I just cook those ones in the oven and do the rest in a frypan.  This also means you can make more.  Then after they’re cooked and cooled, I store them in jars in the fridge.  I always make sure I use them within a week.

The only oils I use to cover them is either my Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, or Avocado oil.  Sometimes Macadamia oil, but usually try and use the Olive Oil.

So after I cut them up, I cover them in organic extra virgin olive oil and then sprinkle them with herbs, iodised sea salt, pepper, sometimes paprika, garlic and cayenne pepper.  This still depends what you’re using them for.

From cooking up these vegetables and having them ready in the fridge, the lectin free dinner ideas can include:


Hope this helps you with what to do for some lectin free dinner ideas so that you have something in the fridge ready to go.  This definitely helps me so I’m not tempted to buy something that may not be as good for me and my gut buddies.

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